Be careful when exploring the linked galleries on this page - they just might suck you in, and you'll be gladly lost to the world for some blissful time. But this is exactly what fractals do best - make you explore and gasp from discovering new vistas of harmony, turn after turn, step after step.
Nicholas Rougeux from C82 consistently makes the most beautiful and inspirational fractals - now available for purchase on Zazzle and Deviant Art -
"Inspiration" by Nicholas Rougeux
"Captivate" by Nicholas Rougeux
"Cornucopia" by Nicholas Rougeux
"Antiquity" by Nicholas Rougeux
"Bouquet: an affair of beauty" by Nicholas Rougeux
Cory Ench is another undisputed maestro of fractal compositions. His gallery is like a world in itself - capable to make you to forget your surroundings and plunge into a mist of their convolutions (make sure to click to enlarge the images - these are only sectional previews) -
"Suspension" by Cory Ench
"Wildfire" by Cory Ench
(images credit: Cory Ench)
Cirque du Apophysis
"Apophysis" generator allows you to create your own fractals - so the "cat is out of the bag" now, and many creative souls embarked on the artistic quest for the perfectly enchanting fractal art.
Joe Clark has an impressive array of fractals in his many galleries, a lot of them made using Apophysis generator. A few look positively organic, like something almost alive:
"Feathers & Pearls" by Joe Clark
"Birthing" by Joe Clark
"Cosmic Clock" by Joe Clark
"Stem Cell" by Joe Clark
"Eye See You" by Joe Clark
Like some portal in time and space: "Turbulence" -
(image credit: Stéphane Nimsgern)
Another "dance of light" - Fandango:
(image credit: Lynn (aka cammi))
We've featured "Flame Fractals" of Roger Johnstone before, but this image is an interesting take on fractals as a performance in itself:
"Cirque du Apophysis" by Roger Johnstone
Fractals take on a spiritual aspect, when placed inside a cathedral:
"Lumen" by Paul Gehret (Licht)
Peggy creates beautifully romantic fractal images (using other layers of photography and particle plug-ins):
(image credit: Peggy)
Transparent Fractals by Rea Leonidopoulou can be seen in this set.
Here is a glorious abstract work of art "The Origin of Colors":
(image credit: Rea Leonidopoulou)
Nature still creates the best fractals
Witness this 100% natural window frost:
(image credit: J. Adelaide Fuller)
Water vapour on a bottle of mineral water:
(image credit: Tamás Somoskeöy)
Trees... have a fractal "magic" of their own:
"Magic Tree" by Paul Gehret (Licht)
Read all posts under fractal art
Beautiful, all of them :)
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