Monday, October 4, 2010

25 Stunning Shots of Kenya

Kenya is perhaps one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  Among the rich natural resources like coffee, wildlife is what attracts most visitors, and the stunning sunrises along the Indian ocean.  It’s often been said that it’s impossible to get a bad shot while photographing in Africa, and these photos of Kenya seem to prove that.

Stunning Shots of Kenya

My island, my cloud, my life - Meine Insel, meine Wolke, mein Leben
Kenya Silhouette
Sunset in Kenya - Masai Mara
Zebra crossing - Zebrastreifen
The caravan passes - Die Karawane zieht weiter
joyful dancer
Sleeping Lion
Flamingo Trott
Reflecting Hyaena
Rainbow Grazers
red-headed rock agama
Mt Kilimanjaro 1
I want to ride my bicycle where I like - Radeln
Lonely Walk
Tsavo Reflection.jpg
African Sunrise !
I want a Cuddle !
Coping with Disaster: Sandstorm in Kenya
Something to Yell About.
L'isola dell'amore

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