Wednesday, July 14, 2010

StoneFish - Dangerous Fish

Deadliest Fish in the World

The Stone Fish is a mottled brown-greenish in colour (which gives them camouflage) with many venomous spines along its back.It usually found in Australia.

The stonefish lives primarily above the tropic of Capricorn. Its main habitat is on coral reefs, near and about rocks, or can be found dormant in the mud or sand.
It feeds on small fish and shrimps.

It is actually a clay model of a fish with 13 wooden dorsal spines. The dancer experiences terrible agony, writhing on the ground. The whole ritual ends sadly with a death song. The fish involved in the dance is the stonefish, also a member of the scorpionfish family. It is believed to be the deadliest fish in the world.

Stone Fish

Stone Fish

Stone Fish
Fish hide in the rocks for safety.

Stone Fish
I call this a stone fish. But, it's actually a Titan Scorpionfish. They are very poisonous and there's a special reef in Maui they named Drew's Reef where there are almost a hundred stone fish.

Stone Fish

1 comment:

  1. them things are huge i was recently researching on the five most poisonous things in thw world and it pulled up stone fish soo i thot i would take a look at this fish and i hope i am never got by one of these fish. but they are awfully strange to be a rock dweller at the bottm of the ocean.
