Friday, June 11, 2010

Who are We in this World?

Sometimes the best way to help us figure out who we really are is to take a look at those around us. No two people are exactly the same, but underneath it all we’re more similar than we sometimes realize. Check out this beautiful photostream featuring images of the world’s residents and spend some time thinking about how much we all have in common before you judge anyone, including yourself, too harshly.
Photo by Andre-Batista

Photo by Janis Lanka

Photo by hoveringdog

Photo by hoveringdog

Photo by Wigwam Jones

Photo by mbgrigby

Photo by Angela Radulescu

Photo by cwalker71

Photo by Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore)

Photo by / juL /

Photo by hans s

Photo by Aaron Escobar ¦ (the spaniard)™

Photo by Carlo Nicora

Photo by Ivan Makarov

Photo by kiwinky

Photo by jasohill

Photo by flattop341

Photo by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)

Photo by Sebastiano Pitruzzello (aka gorillaradio)

Photo by PittCaleb

Photo by Steve Punter

Photo by liber

Photo by christian moser

Photo by Stuck in Customs

Photo by piterart

Photo by ben110

Photo by [ Ben ]

Photo by Jon McGovern

Photo by tibchris

Photo by John Fraissinet

Photo by dmason

Photo by Europan Parliament

Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives

Photo by arbyreed

Photo by khalid almasoud

Photo by brtsergio

Photo by Andrew Stawarz

1 comment:

  1. warm and lovely photos.
    very interesting photos at all are here! good blog.
