Monday, May 17, 2010

World's Strangest Vehicles

Cars that are... different

Some are ugly, some are more than ugly, crossing into hideous, some are better looking and possibly better designed than most modern cars - you get all ends of the spectrum here. Since our last article in this series, we've received many tips about the cars we would not know (or recognize) otherwise. There is no end to people's creativity when it comes to one of most treasured perks of civilization - the automobile.

Limos (and custom stretches) with identity disorders

- via Spiked Humor

This super-limo from Japan (electric-powered KAZ) is all about efficiency and performance, but looks like a mutated caterpillar with a few legs missing. Read more about it here.

Speaking of extra wheels, this configuration seems to perform very well on a racetrack:

(image credit:

Off-Roading Beasties

"This abomination was seen at the Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo"

4-axle SUV (looks like it's a confident rock-climber)

"Big Foot" in Orlando, Florida:

1996 Ford F250 pickup body with a 460 cu inch V8 for power. Bigfoot weighs 28,000 lbs (12700 kg) and stands 15 feet 6 inches tall. The enormous tires are from an Alaskan Land Train, a vehicle used by the US army in the 1950's.

Here is that Land Train (a most beautifully weird vehicle in itself)

Here is another cool-looking vintage off-road vehicle:
"Mobile Geological Laboratory" GEOLAB from 1970.
From "A Source Book of Unusual Vehicles" by Gordon and Marjorie Davies

(image credit: cdfarnsworth)

An all-electric off-road GEM is spaced-out ATV version, jacked up and ready to frolic in the dunes:

(images credit: autobloggreen)

Can't make a "strange vehicle" article without mentioning some little-known variations on SUV theme from Russia:

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