Friday, December 25, 2009

The North Pole

The North Pole

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The North Pole, once an almost mythical place visited only by the heartiest of explorers (and Santa Claus) is now a tourist destination. Though certainly not for everyone, those arctic lovers who are inclined can visit the North Pole by ship, helicopter, or submarine. The textbook definition of the North Pole is the point in the middle of the Arctic Ocean where the Earth’s axis of rotation meets the Earth’s surface. The North Pole is, of course, incredibly cold, though it is significantly warmer than the South Pole. Winter temperatures range from −43 °C (−45 °F) to −26 °C (−15 °F), and Summer temperatures average around the freezing point (0 °C, 32 °F). Tours to the North Pole can be found on a variety of specialty tour company websites.

The North Pole

View larger 2000 x 1500 (560kb) Credit: Ice Axe Expeditions

The North Pole

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The North Pole

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The North Pole

View larger 1024 x 768 (86kb) Credit: Nick Hughes

The North Pole

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The North Pole

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The North Pole

View larger 1152 x 864 (347kb) Credit: Dale Chayes

The North Pole

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The North Pole

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Map of the North Pole


  1. You got some rarest of rare pictures.Specially the first one is amazing.

  2. The top picture is a photoshopped image. Other than that, very cool.

  3. King Abed
    very nice and cool lovely pictures
