Saturday, September 13, 2008

21 Amazing Underwater Pictures

Capturing the beauty of the world beneath the oceans is a challenge, but the rewards are worth it. The excitement comes not only from the idea of capturing an underwater scene on film or on a digital camera’s sensor, but also from being in a completely different environment.
Since it is a specialized area that relatively few photographers attempt, the opportunities for new and different images are many.
It is no surprise that underwater photography is a favorite pastime for scuba divers. The idea could have come from those few people that were able to experience the joys and beauty of underwater life and a desire to share that beauty with others.
The fundamentals of photography remain the same wherever you are taking pictures, but when the medium that light travels through is water - not air - special techniques and equipment are needed in order to capture good images.

Here are some beautiful underwater pictures; which might give you some inspiration, when you are going for your next adventure.
underwater photography
photo by
underwater photography
photo by: mgleiss
underwater photography
photo by mgleiss
underwater photography
photo by childish_david
underwater photography
photo by mgleiss
underwater photography
underwater photography
photo by rene_cazalens
underwater photography
Photo by Zena Holloway
underwater photography
Photo by Zena Holloway
underwater photography
photo by mgleiss
underwater photography
photo by Sea Moon
underwater photography
photo by justonemore
underwater photography
photo by Wandering Simon
underwater photography
photo by Eldad75
underwater photography
photo by by Adam Broadbent
underwater photography
photo by Mshai
underwater photography
underwater photography
photo by
underwater photography
photo by Kawa0310
underwater photography
underwater photography
photo by ian