Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sense of Loneliness Photography

Mikko Lagerstedt is a self-taught photographer from Finland, who started taking pictures four years ago. There is a sense of loneliness in these photographs. You can also see more of his work and buy prints from his website.

Sense of Loneliness

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mountains of Mist by Jakub Połomski

Jakub Połomski is a self-taught photographer from Poland. He have been awarded with many prizes from which Poland statuette stood first in 'Poland Landscape' category by National Geographic in 2010. Mountains of Mist is a series inspired him by J.R.R. Tolkien's location from "The Lord of the Rings".

You can see more of his work on his website.

Mountains of Mist

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Craziest Cats [GIFs]

Most people love cats and have also have one as a pet. Some of them are really very crazy, and do some crazy and amazing stuff that makes you laugh. So here are some of the craziest cats we've ever seen which inspire you to do something crazy today. Have a great day !!!

Craziest Cats

Monday, February 11, 2013

Geeky Valentines Day !!!

Joanna Behar is a multi-disciplinary French graphic designer living in Paris, France. She made some geeky valentines day typography and graphic designs for this valentine. She moved to New York 5 years ago for study and now graduated in communication design. During her time in NYC she was the art director of YRB Magazine, she completely redesigned and give the magazine a new look. You may also buy these designs here. You can also see her more work and contact her on her website.

Geeky Valentine

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vampiric Valentines Day

Wes Naman is a photographer from North Carolina, United States. He captured the vampirish looks for valentine which are so monstrous & dreadful. See more of his work on his website.

Vampiric Valentine

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dancers Everywhere

'Dancers among us' is a project by Jordan Matter Photography. All shots taken by him are fantabulous and amazing.  Feel the dance in every moment & make it joyful. You can also buy the book here.

"Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free." ~ Rumi

Photographer's Statement:

"The inspiration for this book came to me one afternoon as I watched my son, Hudson, playing with his toy bus. I was trying to keep pace with his three-year-old mind as he got deeper and deeper into a fantasy involving nothing more than a yellow plastic box and armless figurines. At least that’s what I saw. He saw frantic commuters rushing to catch the 77 local bus to Australia. He jumped in place, mouth open and slapping his knees, joyously reacting to a world I couldn’t see, but one powerfully present for him.
What happens to this enthusiasm, this ability to be wholly present in the moment? Why are these pure moments of passion so often replaced with cynicism, boredom, and indifference? As I played with my son, I thought about creating photographs that would show the world as if through his eyes. The people in the images would be alive and in the moment, celebrating all aspects and emotions of everyday life.
Shortly after playing “bus”, I attended an extraordinary dance performance, and I knew I had found my collaborators. Dancers are storytellers. They’re trained to capture passion with their bodies. The often create a fantasy world or offer us a deeper look into familiar settings. They bring to life what we feel but what most of us, lacking their artistry and athleticism, are unable to express physically. I spent three years shooting dancers around the country, and I was humbled by their enthusiasm for their craft. I would tweet and Facebook when I would arrive in a city, and dancers would volunteer their time to pose for me, often traveling several hours to participate.
I've created these images for Hudson and his little sister, Salish. My children are everything to me; my dreams for them are enormous. I hope they have long and healthy lives, find loving partners and fulfilling careers, and, if it suits them, experience the joys of parenthood. Most important, I want them to be free from self-consciousness, to discover the deep happiness that comes from a life filled with passion, and to find the serenity necessary to be truly present. These photographs communicate my dreams for them more powerfully than words: Relish moments large and small, recognize the beauty around you, and be alive!"

Dancers Among us

Friday, February 1, 2013

Missoni Hotel in Kuwait

Beautiful yet an amazing & luxury hotel located in Kuwait named Missoni Hotel. It is unique of among all of the hotels because it has a bold and fashionable design structure. This 18 floor hotel is has pool, spa, restaurants, meetings and events room, 4 types of suites and Choco Café. All of the them are very creative. You can check more details and book hotel from their website

Missoni Hotel