Friday, December 21, 2012

Natural Disasters of 2012

Nature has its own way of keeping the balance, but when you mess with nature, it bites back. Mother Nature made her mark again this year and did so, unfortunately, in the most extreme ways: hellish heat, drought, superstorms and other wild weather events. Today we are presenting you the worst natural disasters of the year 2012.

Superstorms and Scorchers

Superstorm Sandy crashed into the East Coast in late October, causing 128 deaths and more than $70 billion in damage. Some dramatic images of destruction came from the shores of New York and New Jersey. 
Photo By Sean Sweeney

Sunday, December 2, 2012

20+ Beautiful Motion Blur Photographs

Motion blur is a type of photography in which you will slow the shutter speed to get the blurry image, which gives you a fantastic result. So today we've decided to collect some beautiful motion blur photographs for your inspiration. Lets have a look on them.

Motion Blur Photography