Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 10 Richest Men In the World

After our much popular article about richest women in the world. Today we’re going to tells you about top 10 richest men in the world.

No. 1 John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937)

Fortune: $323.4 billion
Standard Oil
You have to wonder how John D. Rockefeller would fare as a major player in Big Oil today. After all, he founded Standard Oil in 1870, and it wasn’t long before he dominated the industry. Naturally, some didn’t take kindly to that and the company was eventually found to have monopolized. Yet, for all Rockefeller’s detractors, the U.S.’s first billionaire was a serious philanthropist to education, medicine and science. From a legacy standpoint, however, he’s best remembered for his unfathomable wealth. Even today, the name connotes “money.”

Monday, December 20, 2010

Northern Lights

Northern Lights or also known as Aurora Borealis named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas, by Pierre Gassendi in 1621.

The origin of this mysterious and majestic natural phenomena have long sought the best minds of humanity. But only in the mid-twentieth century, it became clear that the auroras are formed by charged particles in space, "bombarding" the upper atmosphere of Earth. At high latitudes during the long night, there are an unusually beautiful aurora. An amazing play of colors accompanied by a fantastic phenomenon: the greenish-yellow color becomes purple, dark red.

Northern Lights

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Outstanding Photos Taken With a Mobile Phone

They say the best camera is the one you have with you. Your mobile phone is always with you so I guess you could say it’s your best camera. Obviously, a mobile phone’s camera is no match for a professional level DSLR, but you might be surprised at the great pictures many people are taking with their cell phones. Not only are phone cameras getting better all the time, but there’s all sorts of apps you can get for many of them to edit and improve your pics.
In this post we’ll take a look at quite a number of outstanding photos taken with a camera phone. Some of the pics were edited using apps on the photographer’s phone while some weren’t. Feel inspired and don’t forget to take pictures!

Photos Taken With Camera Phone

Marcelosa — A sunset always make for a good time to take a picture.
Sunset in Outstanding Photos Taken With a Camera Phone

Dull & Dreary Feelings of Autumn

Autumn is often described as dull and rainy. Sometimes we take it for granted. We forget that fall can be just as beautiful as spring and there’s no other season in the year when we can see such a variety of colors. Hurrying to our offices and supermarkets and homes, we often do not notice what’s around us, especially when it gets darker earlier in the evenings. This contributes to us missing out on the splendor of the season. So we project those dull and dreary feelings we have on autumn. I devote this beautiful photo collection to all those who have missed too many beautiful autumn moments and I hope it will brighten your rainy day wherever in the world you are.

Dreary Feelings of Autumn

Photo by parl

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amazing and Inspiring Photoshop Artworks

Some amazing and inspiring Photoshop artworks that will mesmerize your brain and perhaps inspire you to design more on a daily basis.

Amazing Photoshop Artworks

Eco Lightbulb by Okami_cropped
Dx Photoshop331 in Mindblowing Photoshop Masterpieces