Saturday, August 28, 2010

Animals Perfectly Comfortable with Snow

While some animals hibernate in the winter and prefer to sun themselves during the warmer months, other animals are perfectly comfortable with the snow and offer photographers a plenty of opportunities for remarkable photos. To celebrate the nicer facets of the leaving winter, we now collected some beautiful and adorable photos of animals in snow. These photos are nice to look at and will help you get a break from the regular work and hopefully get a fresh perspective on whatever you have to get done today.

Perfectly Comfortable with Snow

Polar-animals in 35 Photos of Truly Adorable Animals in Snow

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truly Beautiful and Impressive Photography

Sometimes, a picture can be powerful enough to be inspirational material all by itself. To provide you with some inspiration, we feature some truly beautiful and impressive images from talented artists and photographers worldwide.
Whether in black and white or in colors, they are all related by a strong sense of composition and an emphasis on lightening and colors work. All images are linked to their sources, which you are encouraged to visit. Other work of the photographers we have featured here is certainly worth discovering as well. Please notice that some images are available as prints as well.
Amazing sleeping beauty, where the beauty is actually also the beast, by Peter ツ. Prints are available as well.
102 in Showcase of Beautiful Photography

Beautiful Woodwork Art

In the age of the Web, with personal computers and tablets, we tend to forget that art has been around for a really, really long time and that this digital field is just one of the many media in which art and design have a form. Fortunately, there are many artists out there who still turn to more traditional methods of creative self-expression.
In this article, we’ve brought to you some of the finest woodwork art pieces. Hopefully, they’ll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it’s always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while.

Beautiful Woodwork Art

Woodwork Art 1 in Beautiful Woodwork Art

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beautiful Dew Photography

Dew drops, the water droplets condensed from the air, are a beautiful gift from Mother Nature. Dew drops have a novelty in them. They are vivid and delicate, warm and cold at the same time. They sparkle like pearls on the surface. Mornings become more refreshing and brisk when it is drenched in the dew. They are simply amazing… Capturing dew drops is considered to be the best illustration of macro photography.
To excel in dew photography, it you have to focus on curves, saturation, a bit of color adjustments, composition, lighting and an unsharp mask on the dew drops that are in focus. It is mostly done in longer exposures. But at the end it’s the talent and skills of the photographer which make the photos outstanding. In this post we present 50 refreshing images to brighten your day.

Beautiful Dew Photography

Butterfly in 50 Howling Examples of Dew Photography

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bird Photography

Bird photography is one of the most challenging types of nature photography. Since the subject is usually small, may not stay still, moves rapidly from branch to branch, sits in less than favorable lighting conditions and is extremely aware of an approaching photographer. So bird photography can be frustrating as well as rewarding. In this showcase we have collected beautiful examples of bird photography.

Bird Photography

214 in 40 Beautiful Examples of Bird Photography

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Artworks Made From Trash

We’ve all heard that “one man’s trash is another mans treasure”. That saying takes on new meaning when we view the world through the eyes of the artists featured in todays post. These talented individuals see possibility in the things we throw away every day. Instead of heading to the art supply store they just collect common trash and turn it into works of amazing art. Take a look at these terrific works of art made from trash and be prepared to start looking at your garbage in a whole new way.

Artworks Made From Trash

Ann P. Smith
This awesome owl and bird sculpture was made from reclaimed electronic trash. It reminds me of the mechanical owl in The Clash of the Titans.
Th Ann Smith Robot Owl in 40 Terrific Works of Art Made From Common Trash

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hot-Shot Photos Taken at Perfect Time

The most hilarious and off-the-wall images are taken at the right time and right angle. But capturing these bizarre moments is not a piece of cake for many. Many times you have to wait hours to just take that perfect shot and only once in a while you get lucky enough to get your right shot actually right.
Today we present some of the beautiful photos shot at exactly the right moment.

35 Hot-Shot Photos With Perfect Timing

Wedding in 35 Hot-Shot Photos With Perfect Timing

Underwater Photography by Zena Holloway

Zena Holloway is one of the world’s leading underwater photographers. Her pictures are striking, instinctive and driven by a deep understanding of her medium. She creates the remarkable by combining the highly technical aspects of underwater photography with great creativity to produce extraordinary images. Zena Holloway has taken underwater photography to entirely new depths.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clouds Clouds and Cloudsss...

Flogos will take your marketing to the skies, and then some. It'll shape your logotype into a "cloudy" mixture of soap-based foam and helium - and send it off to drift for miles, as high as 6 kilometers up - a "wolf of commercialism" in fluffy sheep clothing.

There are definitely some enticing possibilities; for example, instead of displaying Apple logo inside a store window "prison" -

(image credit: Cyndy Sims Parr)

Stunning 3D Car Renders

Computer graphics has become truly remarkable about re-creating and illustrating reality. And while most artists still face major obstacles when it comes to rendering organic material, there’s a small subset of 3D images that have been scratching perfection for many years now: 3D vehicle renders.
There are so many realistic and beautiful artworks, and if it weren’t for the 3D forums and galleries, you wouldn’t know whether you’re looking at a photograph or a computer-generated render. In this collection we’ve brought you some of the best, most inspiring works, where the physical perfection is often mixed with artistic solutions, a real eye-candy!

Stunning 3D Car Renders

Vehicle Renders 1 in 50 Stunning 3D Car Renders

Fish you may have never seen Before

Be careful what you hook up. Aside from picking some vicious industrial garbage, you can bring to the surface some strange and unmentionable things. Most fishermen will happily brag about an extraordinary big fish (and we'll show plenty of those in this article). But sometimes the catch is so bizarre, that they'd rather try to forget it over a drink or two.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Some Examples Of Eye Popping Pixel Art

Pixel art was brought to the mainstream with the release of gaming consoles in the early eighties. Those 8-bit graphics we all loved back then often evoke feelings of nostalgia and take us back in time. Nostalgia aside, pixel art is a beautiful art form on its own that many of us have come to love. With so few pixels to work with, pixel artist’s have to make each one count.
Today we present Some Examples Of Eye Popping Pixel Art from some of the best pixel artists around. Be sure to check out their sites for more of their amazing work.

Beautiful Pixel Art

R Grillotti
Grillotti uses every pixel perfectly in this rendition of The Birth Of Venus.
Th RGrillottiVenusSm4 650 in 40 Examples Of Eye Popping Pixel Art
Another pixel masterpiece from Grillotti’s model series.
Th RGrillottiStudioModel672 in 40 Examples Of Eye Popping Pixel Art
I love these large pixel paintings. Each pixel must be place just right to get the desired results.
Th RGrillottiModelCouch648 in 40 Examples Of Eye Popping Pixel Art

Camera Toss Photography

Camera toss photography is a relatively unknown technique, but its title alone is a good explanation of the photography technique. Yes, photographers literally throw their camera in the air after doing necessary shutter adjustments to achieve beautiful and original images.
In this post we present original examples of camera toss photography. Please notice: you may feel inspired to experiment with this technique yourself, but please be careful and start with an old camera to minimize the damages. Before starting, don’t forget to check some tips and techniques of toss photography to have a better understanding of how it works — they are listed in the end of this post.

Camera Toss Photography

Toss1 in Toss Your Camera (Photography)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Extremely Romantic Places to Get Married

If you are planning to get married shortly, are 200% sure of your love, and are ready to overcome hardships together with your partner, this post is for you. We’re going to show you 13 of the most extreme and romantic places to get married! What makes them even more attractive is the fact that most likely your relatives won’t even want to join you on your special occasion. Besides, the cool and unforgettable honeymoon is guaranteed — well, of course if you manage to survive.

1. Inside a cage on a shark reef

Photo by StJenna

Monday, August 9, 2010

Brilliant Photo Manipulation Art

Photo manipulation is probably one of the most popular application areas in which Adobe Photoshop is used extensively. One of the main reasons for that is its ability to blend real photos with vibrant colors and digital painting to emphasize some beautiful details which makes this software ideal for this kind of work. Here are 45 incredible examples of Photo manipulated images from extremely talented Photoshop artists.

Photomanip-14 in 45 Brilliant Examples of Photo Manipulation Art

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Truly Dramatic Examples of Animal Photography

Sometimes we take wildlife pictures that we see in books and magazines for granted; seldom does it give you the impressions that they were taken easily. The truth is, photographing animals (especially in wildlife) is very involved, such a moment could only be told through some timely amazing shots. For someone who loves animals, photographing them can be both very fulfilling and frustrating at the same time. Excellent animal photography requires experience, knowledge and patience.
Animals can make very eye catching subjects to photograph in wild. Taking wildlife photography in a place where the animals don’t fear humans makes your task a bit difficult. In their natural environment, animals often provide many opportunities for taking dramatic shots. Let’s now take a look at some of these dramatic images of animal photography to see emotions in the wild nature.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Superb Examples of Animal Photography

Taking a picture of an animal can be very challenging and it requires lots of tolerance, good understanding of animal’s behaviour and willpower. Understanding of animal behaviour really counts as it can help you in preparing for the good shot as you can predict well how likely an animal is going to react.
In this post, we have gathered some amazing animal photographs that demonstrated the best use of colour  exposure; blur settings along with proper use of shutter speed and focusing technique to take perfect photographs. After seeing these photographs, you will definitely say that only an experienced and skilful photographer can take such shots!

Beautiful Animal Photography

Animal photos in Superb Examples of Animal Photography