Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some Rather Cute "Mug Shots"

Many of the big-eyed charmers shown below are small jumping spiders, with head measuring only 2-3 mm. The position of their eyes, however, ensures an excellent vision (see particulars here)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Newly Born Animals

How baby turtles are born :)

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

More baby animals

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals,  Pets

Animals, Pets

Animals, Pets

Sources: Karaul, babyanimalz

The Most Painful Animal Bite on Earth

bullet ant

Image: nebarnix

Remember how whiny you were when your parents made you get a job or mow the lawn or whatever it was you had to do to “become a man/woman?” Feel like a sissy looking back on how “hard” you had it then? If not, you will.

The Setere-Mawe people of Brazil have found something far worse (albeit less humiliating) than your first job at McDonald’s.

Meet the bullet ant. So named because those unfortunate enough to have been stung by one compare it to a gunshot wound – very unfortunate people; apparently, they have also all been shot. It reportedly has the most painful sting of any insect on Earth.

And the stinger is the painful side!
Image: Ty Christensen

‘Becoming a man’ in the Setere-Mawe society means intentionally letting yourself get stung by these ants. Not just by one but by hundreds of them at once. And not just on one occasion. There, you are not a man until you have done this ritual twenty times.

If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.

Twenty times wearing a pair of gloves each laced with hundreds of live bullet ants, stingers pointing inward, for ten minutes at each go. At first it seems like a horrible practice almost on the level of honor killings, but the boys themselves really seem to have a positive outlook on it. And in America, kids cry when daddy gets them the wrong color car for their sixteenth birthday.

Sources 1 2, 3

Lego Sculpture Looking Like Real Fire

Cole Blaq is a student artist from Bristol that really has played with Lego in a different way then most of us are used to. By putting several legos together, he has managed to create a sculpture looking like real red and yellow fire. It seems like Lego is no longer for children only, you just have to use your imagination.

Powerful Advertising at Work

You never thought you really WANTED these things...
but now you most certainly DO.

Cool Ads

New art media:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

suction power of the news...
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
and of a latest vacuum cleaner...
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Cars and animals:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Cars as insects:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

That's outrageous!
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Even more outrageous! -
various car manufacturers go on offensive with one company clearly a winner:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Very Cool Idea
I just love these :)
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

If only women spent less time cooking:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Weirdest ads:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

No ad compilation would be complete without
"Absolut" or "Smirnoff" variations:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

News from the pop front:
One day in the battle between Coke & Pepsi:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

and between Apple and PC:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

A worthy IDEA:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Finally, a HAZARDOUS MATERIAL warning:
Shopping, Electronics, Furniture

Sources: Ziza, Advertka, Karaul